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November 14, 2024

Fresh Produce Quality Myths & Facts

  • Fresh Produce Software
  • Produce Quality Control
  • Supply Chain
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Bringing Clarity to Fresh Produce: Quality Myths & Facts 

Millions of people consume fresh produce daily. And yet, there’s a surprisingly large number of myths and misconceptions about fruits and vegetables. Some are quaint and harmless, like the belief that carrots improve night vision.

But other misunderstandings lead to unwelcome consequences, especially when it comes to consumer assessments of quality. This lack of understanding shows up most obviously (and problematically) in the alarming amount of food that consumers waste purely on the basis of how they look. Recent research by the World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews confirms that up to 30% of fruits and vegetables end up in the trash because of cosmetic imperfections.

In this article, we’re taking aim at some common misconceptions about fresh produce quality, and some interesting facts that consumers (and even industry professionals) may not know.

Myth #1: “If it’s perfectly round and spotless, it’s high quality.”

When it comes to fresh produce, quality (like beauty) is actually more than skin deep. There are many defects that may be lurking beneath a flawless exterior:

  • Internal bruising can occur during handling and transportation.
  • Fruit might look perfect on the outside but could be overripe and mushy inside.
  • Certain fruits can develop internal rot due to bacteria or fungi.
  • Pithiness can impact citrus, making the flesh dry.
  • Hollow heart can cause internal cavities in produce like watermelons and potatoes.

For growers, wholesalers and retailers, these aren’t the kinds of issues you want your customers to find. That’s why it’s essential to have a way to look below the surface (more on this later).

Myth #2: “Heavier fruits are always juicier.”

This one makes intuitive sense, but weight alone is not a perfectly reliable indicator of quality or flavor. 

A crucial part of evaluating juiciness (before a consumer actually tastes the fruit) is Brix. This is a measure of the sugar content in the fruit. It indicates the percentage of total soluble solids (TSS) in the fruit’s juice, which is primarily composed of sugars like fructose, glucose, and sucrose. 

A higher Brix value generally means the fruit is sweeter and has a higher nutritional value, making it more appealing to consumers. The Brix value is typically measured using a refractometer, which estimates the sugar content by measuring the refraction of light through the fruit juice.

Myth #3: “Apples and pears with shiny skin are fresher.”

Skin is a pretty good indicator of quality, but it’s not a perfect one. For one thing, as we saw earlier, there can be many defects lurking under the skin of a fruit. But there’s also waxing to consider.

After harvesting and washing, apples and pears lose their natural wax coating. To replace this protective layer and enhance their appearance, packers often apply a food-grade wax (often made from natural ingredients like carnauba wax or shellac). This helps to seal in moisture, prevent dehydration, and extend the shelf life. 

Now let’s take a look at some need-to-know facts about the modern fresh produce supply chain.

Fact #1: Fresh Produce Changes Throughout the Day.

Fresh produce picked in the morning often has higher water content, which can impact texture and flavor. This kind of variation can impact texture and flavor, potentially affecting quality by the time it reaches consumers. 

This is just one of the many moving parts of a modern fresh produce operation that cannot be handled through conventional, manual inspection methods. It underscores the need for real-time quality control (QC) data that stays always up to date. Produce suppliers need this kind of data to help them make timely adjustments to storage and shipment conditions.

Fact #2: QC Tech Can “See” Freshness Better Than Any Human Can.

The good news is that quality control for fresh produce is evolving. The really good news is that nobody needs to rely on outdated, time-intensive manual quality inspection methods anymore.

Computer vision enables quality control solutions like Clarifresh to actually see under the surface, and objectively assess produce quality at scale, and in an instant. Paired with AI and machine learning, this makes for a potent combination that allows quality managers to ensure that every piece of produce that passes through their facilities meets top standards, without hours of human labor, and without any human error.

Fact #3: Produce Quality Isn’t Just About Looks. It’s a Science.

Quality in fresh produce goes beyond what meets the eye. It’s a science based on data and precision. Gaining a holistic picture of fresh produce quality calls for accurate measurement of a wide range of factors like sugar content, acidity, firmness, Brix and others. As fresh produce businesses generate more and more data, they are discovering the need to interact with that data in a way that reveals business-critical insights.

Clarifresh offers these companies advanced tools and technology that bring scientific insights into everyday practice. Contact Clarifresh to learn how your business can benefit from precise, data-driven QC solutions.

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