Pineapples are called Ananas in nearly every language in the world, but when the fruit was discovered by Columbus, he named it piña de Indes or pinecone of the Indians because it resembled a pinecone!
Nowadays, pineapples are mostly grown in Latin America and West Africa, and about 27 million tonnes of pineapples are produced every single year. An expensive fruit, quality control is very important, ensuring that everyone in the value chain – from growers and pickers, to wholesalers, marketing companies and retailers – have the best chance of making a profit when selling the produce.
Uniformity over size and shape, firmness, color, straightness and size of leaves, and the range of soluble solids are all factors that contribute to the quality control decisions made when looking after a pineapple harvest. Adding consistency and control to this process is a win for all stakeholders in the fresh produce industry.
The Clarifresh platform also integrates with 3rd-party technology to evaluate external tomato attributes. Learn more here.