¡Clarifruit ha cambiado su nombre a Clarifresh!

Elevando el control de calidad a nivel mundial

The flexibility and customization of Clarifresh’s reporting is truly a game changer

We selected Clarifresh not only for its technology, but also for the expertise and availability of its team.

Las partes interesadas en productos frescos y los líderes de la industria de todo el mundo confían en Clarifresh el control y garantía de calidad de sus productos.

Con nuestra aplicación y software de control de calidad de productos frescos automáticos impulsados ​​por inteligencia artificial, nuestros clientes pueden acceder a los datos de control de calidad que necesitan para tomar las decisiones comerciales correctas para reducir el desperdicio y maximizar la rentabilidad en toda la cadena de suministro.


Nuestros clientes lo dicen todo

Partner to Automate
QC and Reduce Fruit Loss

Despite the distance, and the difficulties of remote implementation during the pandemic, Clarifresh have shown an incredible ability to work together thanks to their resilience.”

Productivity increase
Efficient and accurate QC process
Centralized data
Solve Worldwide Fruit’s Quality Control Challenges

Before Clarifresh, we had tons of reporting tools from different platforms, wasting a lot of hours on a monthly basis just trying to compile the numerous data sources.

Productivity increase
Reduction in error-prone QC reports
Centralized data
Transform Fruit Quality Control Processes

Before Clarifresh, we had tons of reporting tools from different platforms, wasting a lot of hours on a monthly basis just trying to compile the numerous data sources.

Productivity increase
Efficient and accurate QC process
Centralized data